Education Forum - December 2016 meeting
Year: 2017
Topic: Education
Author: Linda O'Neill
Topic: Education
Author: Linda O'Neill
We had a stimulating and valuable December Education Forum meeting. The main topics on the agenda were:
- Linda O’Neill gave Forum members an update on Included, Engaged and Involved 2. The finished document will be sent to schools in early 2017 and a series of implementation workshops will take place around the country to publicise the document and support local authorities with implementation.
- Linda Davidson, Permanence Consultant at CELCIS, gave a presentation on routes to permanence
- Ben Farrugia led a discussion on sharing information in the education context in support of pupils who are looked after
- Graham Connelly outlined plans for CELCIS to conduct a survey of ‘designated managers’ (key staff in schools with responsibility for looked after children)
Topics for future Forum meetings
The Forum suggested:
- Children on the edges of care and those previously looked after
- Support for Additional Support Needs assistants and the impact of neglect
Next Forum meeting
The next Forum meeting will be our first CELCIS Education Conference on Tuesday 21 February 2017.