Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation 2024. Overview analysis to inform prevention and response

Year: 2024
Topic: Sexual abuse
Author: Joseph McGinty, Jane Scott, June Welsh and Ruth Sills, CELCIS

CELCIS was asked by Scottish Government to provide an overview analysis of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE). The aim of this focussed mapping review is to provide an overview of what is known currently about child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE) and identify key messages from research and practice. The overview draws on recent research, practice guidance and inquiry reports across the UK and internationally to understand the extent of both CSA and CSE; reflect the voice and experiences of those who have experienced abuse; and identify challenges for those working in this area and key learning for policy and practice. The review provides an opportunity to consider recent developments and innovations, and the potential gaps that require increased focus and further exploration within the Scottish context.

The work was completed in early 2024 and updated in October 2024.


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