Child Protection Systems Review
Topic: Child protection, Legislation
Author: Louise Hill
Protecting Scotland's Children and Young People: It is Still Everyone's Job
We supported the delivery of this independent Child Protection Systems Review, commissioned by the Scottish Government, as part of the National Protection Improvement Programme for Scotland.
The report has been delivered by the Child Protection Review Group and is independently chaired by Catherine Dyer CBE.
The Review examined the existing child protection structures, systems and inter-agency processes where professionals work together to protect children who are at risk of significant harm.
This final report reflects a shared commitment to continue with what’s already working well, and makes 12 recommendations for change and improvement. These recommendations to the Government include:
- the Care Inspectorate becoming the central repository for all Initial and Significant Case Reviews
- establishing a National Child Protection Leadership Group
- forming of a National Child Protection Register.
Background documents
Background Paper One: Child Protection Committees
Background Paper Two: Child Protection Registers and Child Protection Case Conferences
Background Paper Three: Significant and Initial Case Reviews