CELCIS's response to the Scottish Government’s Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on Legislation

Year: 2024
Topic: Education
Author: Linda Peat, Michael Bettencourt

CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Government’s call for views on legislation for post-school education and skills reform.

Our response emphasises that the needs of learners with care experience need to be understood by those working with them in post-school education; and that staff and agencies should be empowered, supported and equipped to support these learners who should be at the heart of decisions made in the post-school education environment.

In setting the context, we have highlighted issues with the data on care experienced learners, concerns over financial stability that people with care experience face, the need for holistic and relational support, and the need for better access to education and employment for learners with care experience.

Read the consultation response