Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..
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Power to the people: being part of the change for care experienced children and their brothers and sisters
A Consultants Working Group was instrumental on helping to shape the content, tone and language of Scotland’s new National Practice Guidance to support the…
In supporting the rights of care experienced children and their brothers and sisters, we must look to creative, tailored solutions
Since founding STAR, and in my time as a foster carer, I’ve seen and heard first-hand the impact of one of the most heart-breaking problems of the care system:…
What I wished I’d known about kinship care
A kinship carer who has looked after her granddaughter for the past decade shares some of the challenges and the rewards this brings.
Staying Together and Connected: Getting it right for sisters and brothers National Practice Guidance
Aileen Nicol, Head of Improving Protection and Permanence at Celcis, a member of Stand Up For Siblings, has written a blog about the new National Practice…
Putting children’s views at the heart of decision making: learning from the Bright Spots programme
As CELCIS, in partnership with Coram Voice, launches the Bright Spots programme pilot in Scotland, this blog post reflects on the experience of one local…
Holding / Holding on: Experiencing care in contemporary Scotland
Ahead of the screening of Holding / Holding On, part of a project investigating the impact that the arts can make within a care context across Scotland, we…
Finding the confidence to be creative
Ahead of 'Voice & Vision', a celebration of the creative work of young people with care experience, Laura Graham, Senior Evidence and Influencing Officer,…
The power of love and support in extraordinary times
As we celebrate Foster Care Fortnight 2021, I want to say a huge thank you to the fostering community across Scotland. In spite of the huge challenges that the…
Changing Landscape of Kinship Care in Scotland
Traditionally, kinship care has been viewed as a cheaper option secondary to fostering and adoption in terms of allowances, support and a lack of standardised…
The cost of the implementation gap for young people
Megan Sutherland is Vice Chair of Who Cares? Scotland. She recently moved home and found it wasn’t easy to register as exempt from paying Council Tax as a care…