Using data creatively to highlight children's experiences
We need access to data at both population and individual levels if we're to be successful in improving the attainment of looked after children.

Relationships are everything
Kathy Allan from Adoption UK explains how an attachment awareness programme in East Lothian is helping looked after and adopted children have a better experience of school.

Just do it!
Louise Martin, the University of Strathclyde’s Widening Access Support Officer, and Jennifer Lynch Care leaver talk about going to university.

Has the term additional support needs simply become another way of saying special educational needs?
The differences between additional support needs and special education needs and how we need to be careful when using the terms.

Get stuck in to Get Write In
Judge of our writing competition for care experienced children, Raymond Soltysek describes how creative writing can improve confidence.

How the Education Forum grew and evolved
How the Education Forum brings together those with an interest in the education of looked after children