How will bairns fair in 2017?
Jennifer Davidson blogs about what 2016 has meant for the children’s sector and what the year ahead will bring.

Choosing to love
We are now moving towards a professionalism that is defined by passion and commitment expressed through the transparent and responsible use of relationships.

Care leavers don't get sanctioned in Falkirk thanks to Moneywise
Norma Brown of Falkirk Council describes their Moneywise project and the difference it's making to the lives of care leavers in the area.

Using data creatively to highlight children's experiences
We need access to data at both population and individual levels if we're to be successful in improving the attainment of looked after children.

I wanted to be a social work superhero
What does relational based practice look like in reality, for a busy statutory team?

Mind the implementation gap: how child care can be improved globally
Dr Chrissie Gale, international lead for CELCIS, reflects on research which could help shape the drive for better alternative care for children in countries around the world.

I'm excited about a shindig and slice of cake
Charlie Gracie tells of a new creative writing comp for looked after children

What you have to say about our Caring for Vulnerable Children MOOC
Course moderator Sarah Hume-Anthony gives a snapshot of the interactions on the CELCIS MOOC.

Let’s stop referring to children by acronyms
Dr Graham Connelly discusses the use of acronyms when talking about looked after children and children in care.

It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it: how Active Implementation can bring about lasting change
Active Implementation - what it is, what it is not, and how it could help bring about lasting change to children's services.

A fair financial deal for care experienced students
How the Student Support Review Group is trying to ensure care experienced students have a fair standard of living.

Children can easily become lost in the system, but a timeline can help you see them
Linda Davidson, Permanence Consultant at CELCIS, explains how a timeline can be a powerful tool in making child-centred decisions.

No mean city
How a social work team in the East End of Glasgow is working tirelessly to support its local community

How we can improve the experience of being at school
The work CELCIS and other professionals are doing to improve educational experiences and outcomes for looked after children and young people.

Relationships are everything
Kathy Allan from Adoption UK explains how an attachment awareness programme in East Lothian is helping looked after and adopted children have a better experience of school.

One Moana is all we need…
Care leaver Helen Johnston compares her life to a Disney movie

Doctor Who and the care experienced new companion
Leanne Mattu, Research Associate at CELCIS, explores what Bill Potts’ character does and does not tell us about being in foster care

Infants may not be able to speak but their voice is important
Linda Davidson discusses every child's need for sensitive and responsive care.

Information Sharing and the Named Person: finding a way through the current debate
Information sharing and the named person are being debated in Parliament just now; Ben Farrugia gets to grips with the latest developments.

Young people's research at Barnardo's
Guest blogger Fiona Bennett of Barnardo's Scotland describes the Family Firm Action Research project.

The devil is in the detail
What the latest round of Scottish Government’s stats on looked after children do and don’t tell us

I used to, but ...
Research into how music could and should help shape the experiences of children and young people in residential care settings.

Just do it!
Louise Martin, the University of Strathclyde’s Widening Access Support Officer, and Jennifer Lynch Care leaver talk about going to university.

We need to talk about adoption
Fiona Aitken, Director Scotland for Adoption UK, talks about the significance of Adoption Week in Scotland and the need to listen to the voices of adopted young people

Has the term additional support needs simply become another way of saying special educational needs?
The differences between additional support needs and special education needs and how we need to be careful when using the terms.

Get stuck in to Get Write In
Judge of our writing competition for care experienced children, Raymond Soltysek describes how creative writing can improve confidence.

How the Education Forum grew and evolved
How the Education Forum brings together those with an interest in the education of looked after children