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We have found 926 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.
Blog Resource Icon

Family pictures on the wall and a strong sense of self – growing up in kinship care

Year: 2025 | Topic: Kinship care | Author: CH, a CELCIS Consultant with lived experience
In this blog post for Kinship Care Week 2025, CH, a CELCIS Consultant with lived experience discusses the importance of maintaining links to …
Report Resource Icon

Scottish Government Review of the Trafficking Strategy 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Scottish Government
This report sets out the Scottish Government’s second review of the Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy, first published in 2017 and review…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum February 2025

Year: 2025 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
At our February meeting of the Education Forum, we were delighted to welcome Gavin Morgan, Co-CEO, and Diana Whitmore, Founder and Co-CEO, of…
Blog Resource Icon

My port in a storm – the relationship that helped to shape who I am today

Year: 2025 | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Beth-Anne McDowall
In this blog post for Care Day 2025, Beth-Anne McDowall, a CELCIS Consultant with lived experience, discusses the power of long-lasting relat…
Guidance Resource Icon

New information guides to help children, young people and families understand child protection processes

Year: 2025 | Topic: Child protection, Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
New guides to help children, young people and parents and carers in Scotland to learn about child protection have been published by the Scott…
Consultations Resource Icon

Response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the ‘Future of Foster Care’

Year: 2025 | Topic: Foster care | Author: CELCIS
We strongly support a flexible and evolving approach to foster care, which will ensure that all children get the safety, security and love th…
Consultations Resource Icon

Response by CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s consultation on developing a universal definition of ‘care experience’

Year: 2025 | Topic: Legislation, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
Our response is underpinned by research evidence, practice experience, and extensive insight and intelligence from people with lived experien…
Blog Resource Icon

Working together to strengthen practice in residential child care: Key learning from our change journey

Year: 2025 | Topic: Residential care | Author: Marc Blyth
In the final post in this series, Marc Blyth, Lead Learning Co-ordinator at Aberlour Children's Charity Sycamore Residential Service, which p…
Blog Resource Icon

Working together to strengthen practice in residential child care: The power of observation, reflection and feedback

Year: 2025 | Topic: Residential care | Author: Marc Blyth
In the second in this series of blogs posts Marc Blyth, Lead Learning Co-Ordinator at children’s charity Aberlour Sycamore, which provides re…
Blog Resource Icon

Working together to strengthen practice in residential child care: Laying the groundwork for change

Year: 2025 | Topic: Residential care | Author: Marc Blyth
Marc Blyth, Lead Learning Co-Ordinator at children’s charity Aberlour Sycamore, which provides residential child care across Scotland, discus…
Evaluation Resource Icon

National framework established to monitor Scotland’s progress on children’s social care

Year: 2024 | Topic: Adoption, Child protection, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Foster care, Kinship care, Legislation, Looked after at home, Permanence, Residential care, Secure care, Throughcare and aftercare, Brothers and sisters | Author: The Promise Scotland
Aimed at building an understanding of how Scotland is doing in its progress towards keeping The Promise of the Independent Care Review, the F…
Blog Resource Icon

Whose experiences are we relying on to explain what the reality of adoption feels like for adoptees?

Year: 2024 | Topic: Adoption, Voices of young people | Author: Dr Polly Cowan
In this blog post, Dr Polly Cowan, a Practice Manager at Scottish Adoption and Fostering, explains how the organisation’s Young Ambassadors d…
Blog Resource Icon

Developing a new resource to help support adoptive families caring for brothers and sisters

Year: 2024 | Topic: Adoption, Brothers and sisters | Author: Dr Christine Jones
In this blog post, Dr Christine Jones, an adoptive parent and researcher who worked to ensure the rights of care experienced brothers and sis…
Report Resource Icon

Towards modernising adoption in Scotland: A focused mapping review

Year: 2024 | Topic: Adoption | Author: Dr Heather Ottaway, Dr Nadine Fowler, Dr Leanne McIver and Linda Davidson
This review of current adoption legislation, policy and practice considers what works well, what challenges and issues there are, and what fa…
Report Resource Icon

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation 2024. Overview analysis to inform prevention and response

Year: 2024 | Topic: Sexual abuse | Author: Joseph McGinty, Jane Scott, June Welsh and Ruth Sills, CELCIS
CELCIS was asked by Scottish Government to provide an overview analysis of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE). The aim of this focuss…
Journal Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 23 No 2

Year: 2024 | Topic: Residential care | Author:
Welcome to the autumn 2024 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care (SJRCC). We introduce this issue by saying a big ‘thank yo…
Blog Resource Icon

Taking action to improve the collection of statistics about disabled children in Scotland

Year: 2024 | Topic: Disability | Author: Dr Alex McTier
In this blog post, Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, explains what’s behind a new project to help better understa…
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Children's Hearings Redesign

Year: 2024 | Topic: Children's hearings system | Author: CELCIS
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation exercise on the redesign of the Children’s Hearings System, which aims to buil…

Challenging the narrative: How a new media toolkit is helping tell the stories of care

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Sophia Alexandra Hall
Sophia Alexandra Hall is deputy digital editor at the Big Issue and the author of the Media Toolkit for Journalists and Care Experienced Peop…

From isolation to belonging - from surviving to thriving, through connection and community

Year:  | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Melody
In this blog post for Care Experience Week 2024, Melody*, a consultant with lived experience at CELCIS offers her thoughts on this year’s the…
Report Resource Icon

New research highlights the need for increased support for Scotland’s kinship families

Year: 2024 | Topic: Kinship care | Author: CELCIS and SCADR
A new report – Growing Up in Kinship Care – published by CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection based at the U…
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on ‘Moving On’ from Care into Adulthood

Year: 2024 | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: CELCIS
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation exercise seeking examples of good practice and solutions to issues challenging…
Report Resource Icon

Non-compulsory care for children and young people in Scotland: Learning from experiences of Section 25

Year: 2024 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Legislation, Local authority | Author: CELCIS
This final report brings together the findings of how Section 25 arrangements in Scotland are experienced from the perspectives of parents, p…
Evaluation Resource Icon

Evaluation of the Lifelong Links trial in Scotland

Year: 2024 | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Dr Robert Porter and Dr Nadine Fowler
An evaluation of the trial commissioned by Family Rights Group (FRG), has been published by CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s …
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS's response to the Scottish Government’s Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on Legislation

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: Linda Peat, Michael Bettencourt
CELCIS's response to the Scottish Government’s Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on Legislation
Consultations Resource Icon

CELCIS’s response to the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s call for views on National Care Service (Scotland) Bill (Stage 2)

Year: 2024 | Topic: Legislation | Author: Kate MacKinnon and Katherine Anderson
CELCIS has responded to a Scottish Parliament’s call for views on draft amendments for the National Care Service (NCS) (Scotland) Bill (Stage…
Consultations Resource Icon

SPRAG response to Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill Consultation

Year: 2024 | Topic: Legislation | Author: SPRAG
SPRAG members considered and discussed section 11 (Restraint and seclusion) of the proposed Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence…
Report Resource Icon

The Reflection and Action Learning Forum Project Update

Year: 2024 | Topic: Residential care | Author: Laura Steckley, Sarah Deeley and Gemma Watson
The Reflection and Learning Forum (RALF) is a model for supporting the development of reflection at depth. The aim of RALF is to provide a pr…
Report Resource Icon

Accessing Records in Scotland Report

Year: 2024 | Topic: Legislation, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Social Work Scotland
A new report published on 8 July 2024, provides more information on what people with care experience in Scotland have experienced regarding t…

We must uphold Scotland’s children’s rights

Year:  | Topic: Legislation | Author: Sarah Jayne Morris
Sarah Jayne Morris, a Consultant with lived experience at CELCIS, offers her thoughts on the UNCRC being enshrined in law in Scotland and why…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum May 2024

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
At this Education Forum, attendees heard from Emma Mcginlay and Tony Mitchell, from the National Engagement and Partnership Team of Social S…

Fostering love through relationships

Year:  | Topic: Foster care | Author: Seany
In this blog post for Foster Carer Fortnight 2024, Seany, a lived experienced Consultant wanted to share some thoughts, from her experience o…
Blog Resource Icon

When data tells us the what but not the why

Year: 2023 | Topic: Adoption, Corporate parenting, Foster care, Kinship care, Looked after at home, Neglect, Permanence, Residential care | Author: Micky Anderson
CELCIS’s Data Lead, Micky Anderson, takes a look at the latest social work statistics in Scotland for clues about what is happening in the su…
Journal Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 23 No 1

Year: 2024 | Topic: Residential care | Author:
Welcome to the spring 2024 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care (SJRCC). It is a very full issue, with the usual mix of lo…
Briefing Resource Icon

New analysis shows disparity in statistics collected about disabled children in Scotland

Year: 2024 | Topic: Disability | Author: Dr Alex McTier
This analysis assesses the quality of the disabled children’s statistical data this is reported across Scotland’s children’s services, bringi…
Blog Resource Icon

“It’s about…believing our own words”: Bringing together the voices of care experienced people

Year: 2023 | Topic: Adoption, Corporate parenting, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Kinship care, Local authority, Looked after at home, Residential care, Stigma, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people, Brothers and sisters | Author: Rebekah Pierre
Rebekah Pierre is a care experienced writer, author, social worker, and editor of a new anthology, ‘Free Loaves on Fridays: The Care System A…

Learning more about Scotland’s Virtual Schools

Year:  | Topic: Education | Author: Michael Bettencourt and Dr Leanne McIver
For over five years, the role of Virtual School Head Teachers (VSHTs) in Scotland has been evolving and in 2024 is established as a key part …
Briefing Resource Icon

NSPCC briefing on emotional abuse statistics

Year: 2024 | Topic: Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
This briefing introduces a range of datasets available in the UK that relate to emotional abuse. Research provides estimates of the prevalenc…
Briefing Resource Icon

Drawing Together Project Policy briefing: Wellbeing in the lives of young refugees in Scotland

Year: 2024 | Topic: International | Author: Ravi Kohli, Sharon McGregor, Kate MacKinnon
The Drawing Together project explored how 53 young refugees experience integration through rebuilding their everyday lives in Scotland, Finla…

Scottish Government research into new domestic abuse powers 2023

Year: 2024 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
By recognising abuse as a pattern of behaviour, the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 closer matches victims’ accounts of psychological and …
Report Resource Icon

Domestic abuse statistics recorded by the police in Scotland, 2023 to 2024

Year: 2024 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Police Scotland
This bulletin presents statistics on domestic abuse, based on details of incidents and crimes recorded by Police Scotland in 2023 to 2024. Do…
Guidance Resource Icon

Guidance on working with children and young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour

Year: 2024 | Topic: Harmful sexual behaviour | Author: Scottish Government
Evidence Based Guidance For Professionals Working With Children And Young People.

Survey results on the formal exclusion of care experienced children and young people in Scotland

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: Virtual School Head Teachers' Network
The Virtual School Head Teachers' Network, which CELCIS has facilitated since 2019, has published the findings of a survey of local authoriti…

What story does Scotland's latest statistics on child protection tell?

Year:  | Topic: Child protection | Author: Alex McTier
In this blog post, Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, takes a closer look at Scotland’s Child Protection 2022-2023…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum February 2024

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
At this meeting of the Education Forum we learned about a partnership project called the Keeping The Promise Award Programme, which was origi…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum September 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
For our September Forum meeting, we were delighted to welcome Kyle Fleming, Head of Education, and Eileen McColl, Education Manager, of Erski…
Guidance Resource Icon

Updated practitioner guidance on kinship care assistance in Scotland

Year: 2024 | Topic: Kinship care, Legislation | Author: Scottish Government
The Scottish Government along with partners in the Kinship Care Collaborative have produced updated guidance for Part 13 of the Children and …

Navigating social workers’ use of voluntary care arrangements for families in Scotland

Year:  | Topic: Child protection, Corporate parenting | Author: Dr Robert Porter, Dr Brandi Lee Lough Dennell
In this second in a series of blog posts to highlight findings from research on voluntary care arrangements in Scotland, Dr Robert Porter, Re…

Understanding the experiences of children growing up in kinship care in Scotland

Year:  | Topic: Kinship care | Author: Joanna Soraghan
In this blog post to mark Kinship Care Week 2024, Dr Joanna Soraghan, Data Analyst at CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care a…
Report Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2021: Analysis of Local Implementation

Year: 2024 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Alex McTier
This report presents the findings from the self-evaluation exercise completed by all 31 of Scotland’s Child Protection Committees (CPCs) in r…

Virtual schools for care-experienced learners in Scotland: Reflections on an emerging concept in a new context

Year: 2024 | Topic: Education | Author: Leanna McIver and Michael Bettencourt
This paper offers comparison and reflection on the role and function virtual schools in England and Scotland.

What does new research tell us it will take to keep The Promise?

Year:  | Topic: Active implementation | Author: Dr Heather Ottaway
Dr Heather Ottaway, CELCIS’s Head of Evidence and Innovation, and Principal Investigator of the Children’s Services Reform Research study con…

Exploring Relational Wellbeing of Young Refugees Living in Scotland, Finland, and Norway

Year: 2024 | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Marja Tiilikainen, Marte Knag Fylkesnes, Masego Katisi, Milfrid Tonheim, Sharon A. McGregor and Fath E Mubeen
Two new papers have been published as part of research from the Drawing Together project, a three-year project working with groups of young r…
Consultations Resource Icon

Response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government consultation on policy proposals for a Care Leaver Payment

Year: 2024 | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Kate MacKinnon, Kirsty Doull and Katherine Anderson
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on policy proposals far a Care Leaver payment. Our response is underpinned by …
Guidance Resource Icon

Guidance on taking a children’s human rights approach

Year: 2024 | Topic: Legislation | Author: The Scottish Government
The purpose of this guidance, issued by the Scottish Government, is to provide information and resources to support public authorities and ot…
Consultations Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s consultation on ‘Scottish Social Services Council – proposed register changes'

Year: 2023 | Topic: Local authority, Residential care | Author: Kate MacKinnon
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Government's consultation on 'Scottish Social Services Council – proposed register changes'. We welcome …
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee’s inquiry into Additional Support for Learning (ASL)

Year: 2023 | Topic: Education, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Linda O'Neill
CELCIS's response, based on research evidence, practice experience, and feedback from longstanding cross organisational networks, maintains a…
Report Resource Icon

Children's Services Reform Research Concluding report

Year: 2024 | Topic: Legislation | Author: CELCIS
This concluding report, published in December 2023, brings together key themes and learning from across the study’s findings and determines t…

"Nobody spoke those words to me”: Parental experiences of voluntary care arrangements in Scotland

Year:  | Topic: Child protection, Corporate parenting | Author: Dr Robert Porter, Dr Brandi Lee Lough Dennell
In this first of a series of blog posts to highlight findings from research on voluntary care arrangements in Scotland, Dr Robert Porter, Res…
Report Resource Icon

Children's Services Reform Research study: Scotland’s Children’s Services Landscape: The Views and Experiences of the Children’s Services Workforce

Year: 2023 | Topic: Legislation | Author: CELCIS
This final part of the Children’s Services Reform Research study explores the experiences of people working to support children, young people…
Journal Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 22 No 2

Year: 2023 | Topic: Residential care | Author:
Welcome to the autumn 2023 issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care. This issue is packed with three long-form, and peer-revie…

How lived experience of care is helping drive Scotland’s progress towards keeping The Promise

Year:  | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: David Anderson
David Anderson is the Co-Chair of the Oversight Board, an independent group set up to report on the progress and pace in Scotland as it journ…

A Face on a Wall: How embracing ‘Artivism’ can help young people find their voice

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Michael Archibald
In this blog post for Care Experienced Week, Michael Archibald, a student, artist and activist, discusses being involved in – and being the f…

Exploring leadership opportunities for the care experienced community

Year:  | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Barry Black, Gary Brown and Sarah Rogers
For this Care Experienced Week we took some time with Barry Black, member of the National Leadership Network (NLN) steering group, and Gary B…
Consultations Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s consultation on A Human Rights Bill for Scotland

Year: 2023 | Topic: Active implementation, Legislation | Author: Katherine Anderson
This short response draws on the evidence developed for our comprehensive response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the United Na…
Guidance Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child protection | Author: The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has updated National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland which was published in 2021.
Report Resource Icon

Children's Services Reform Research study: Mapping Integration and Outcomes Across Scotland: A Statistical Analysis

Year: 2023 | Topic: Legislation | Author: CELCIS
For the third strand of the Children's Services Reform Research study, we have looked at whether there is an association between the approach…
Report Resource Icon

Children's Services Reform Research study: Case Studies of Transformational Reform Programmes

Year: 2023 | Topic: Legislation | Author: CELCIS
For the second strand of the Children's Service Reform Research study, we have developed six cases studies of a range of approaches to transf…
Report Resource Icon

Children Services Reform Research study: Rapid Evidence Review

Year: 2023 | Topic: Legislation | Author: CELCIS
This Rapid Evidence Review is the first strand of work within the Children’s Services Reform Research study. We gathered, analysed and synthe…

“Despite the cold weather, the Scottish people have given me one of the warmest welcomes in my life”: how supportive relationships help young refugees rebuild their lives in new places

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Mohamad
During this Refugee Week and Refugee Festival Scotland 2023, Mohamad, a young person who arrived in Scotland from Syria in 2016 as a child re…
Consultations Resource IconPolicy Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Government’s ‘Prescribing the minimum annual number of learning hours: consultation’

Year: 2023 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Education, Legislation | Author: Michael Bettencourt
A perspective on the potential impact on care experienced learners and the education workforce of a proposal to prescribe the number of learn…

Language matters

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Amy Miskimmin-Logan
Amy Miskimmin-Logan, Participation Development Worker at Our Hearings Our Voice (OHOV) shares the thinking behind the ‘Language Leaders’ proj…
Report Resource Icon

The Promise Scotland reports on Scotland's Children's Hearings System

Year: 2023 | Topic: Children's hearings system | Author: The Promise Scotland
‘Hearings for Children: The Redesign Report’ has been published by The Promise Scotland following the work of The Hearings System Working Gro…

How Our Hearings Our Voice members worked around COVID-19 restrictions to help children and young people

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people, COVID | Author: Jennifer Orren
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, this could have derailed plans children and young people from Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) had been working…
Video Resource Icon

Education Forum April 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Education | Author: CELCIS
In the first Education Forum meeting of 2023, Stacey Heather-Brash, Funding Awareness and Engagement Manager from Students Awards Agency Scot…
Journal Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 22 No 1

Year: 2023 | Topic: Residential care | Author:
The latest issue of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care features topical issues, research and practice. Also read the latest Kilbr…

Data poses questions as well as answers, so what questions arise from Scotland's Child Protection 2021-2022 Statistics?

Year:  | Topic: Child protection, Local authority, COVID | Author: Dr Alex McTier
Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, takes a closer look at Scotland’s Child Protection 2021-2022 Statistics to unco…
Report Resource Icon

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Care Journeys in Scotland: An Analysis of the Administrative Data on 'Looked After' Children

Year: 2023 | Topic: Kinship care, Looked after at home, Residential care, COVID | Author: Joanna Soraghan, Gillian Raab, Patricio Troncoso, Morag Treanor & Robert Porter

The future of social work in times of change

Year:  | Topic: Corporate parenting, Local authority, Voices of young people | Author: Kathryn Lindsay
Kathryn Lindsay is the Director of Children, Families and Justice Services and Chief Social Work Officer at Angus Council. In this blog post,…

World Social Work Day 2023: How social work teams in East Lothian have promoted staff wellbeing and development

Year:  | Topic: Health and Wellbeing, Local authority | Author: Rogan Higginbottom
On this World Social Work Day, Rogan Higginbottom, a senior workforce learning and development officer at East Lothian Council (ELC), shares …
Consultations Resource Icon

A response from CELCIS to the Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on the Children (Care and Justice) (Scotland) Bill, Sections 24 and 25.

Year: 2023 | Topic: Children's hearings system, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation | Author: Kate MacKinnon
CELCIS has responded to the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on the Children (Care and J…

How developing a love of reading is helping support care experienced children and young people in Dumfries and Galloway

Year:  | Topic: Education | Author: Alison Ferla
Alison Ferla is the Principal Teacher of the Care Experienced Education Team in Dumfries and Galloway, which focuses on improving the educati…
Report Resource Icon

Supporting Roots: the needs of birth parents who have lost a child or children to ‘care’.

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child protection, Corporate parenting | Author: The Scottish Government
This report provides a broad picture of the needs of birth parents who have lost a child or children to ‘care’, and of the support and servic…

Our Hearings, Our Voice, Our Magazine

Year:  | Topic: Children's hearings system, Voices of young people | Author: Amy Miskimmin-Logan
How young people came up with the idea to produce a magazine for all young people to read and help them understand what’s involved while wait…

Authentic co-production – it’s the right thing to do!

Year:  | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Rosie Moore
Rosie Moore, Participation and Policy Advisor at CELCIS describes leading on a project that has participation at its core from the very begin…

Developing a village to care for the child (and the family)

Year:  | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: Moira Greentree
As a new report is published by The Why Not? Trust, their Director of Innovation Moira Greentree, discusses the value of finding out how many…
Report Resource Icon

Births to care experienced teenagers and women aged 14-24 in Scotland

Year: 2023 | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare | Author: CELCIS
This new report commissioned by the Why Not? Trust, funded by Care Visions, with the work carried out by CELCIS aims to establish an estimate…
Video Resource Icon

Supporting change in residential child care through the use of practice profiles and Active Implementation

Year: 2023 | Topic: Active implementation, Residential care | Author: Aberlour Sycamore, CELCIS
In 2017 the Aberlour Children's Charity Sycamore Residential Service alongside CELCIS considered how consistent, high-quality residential chi…
Guidance Resource Icon

Framework for Risk Assessment Management and Evaluation (FRAME) with children aged 12-17

Year: 2021 | Topic: Harmful sexual behaviour | Author: The Scottish Government
When working with children where parts of their behaviour may cause or have caused serious harm, the approach taken should be informed by thi…
Guidance Resource Icon

A Guide to Youth Justice in Scotland: policy, practice and legislation

Year: 2021 | Topic: Harmful sexual behaviour | Author: Children and Young People's Centre for Justice
This guidance from the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ), is aimed at practitioners and managers working with children an…
Report Resource Icon

Harmful sexual behaviours by children

Year: 2021 | Topic: Harmful sexual behaviour | Author: Kristina Moodie
This report, by the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ), aimed to examine any links between childhood experiences and harmf…

A legacy: how personal stories are shaped

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Olivia Khan
How legacy work helps children to document their lives: supporting a young person or child who has had to start again in creating their own l…

Childhood Trauma and the Poignance of Spirit

Year:  | Topic: Voices of young people | Author: Annmarie Campbell
In National Storytelling Week 2023, Annmarie Campbell, member of CELCIS's Strategic Advisory Board, explains what inspired her to turn to wri…
Report Resource Icon

Children’s Commissioner for England report on the separation of brothers and sisters in care

Year: 2023 | Topic: Brothers and sisters | Author: The Children's Commissioner, England
Children’s Commissioner for England has published ‘Siblings in Care’, investigating the number and circumstances of children in care who have…

The cost of surviving

Year:  | Topic: Throughcare and aftercare, Financial Insecurity | Author: Christine Uwase
At this moment, it feels wrong to address what we’re living through as a cost-of-living crisis, since most people are barely living on what t…
Blog Resource Icon

‘Everybody has a different story’: How compassionate connections are helping to support birth parents

Year: 2022 | Topic: Adoption, Health and Wellbeing, Stigma | Author: Melanie Thomson
This Adoption Week Scotland, Melanie Thomson, a Social Worker for the Bluebird Project at Scottish Adoption, which offers counselling and sup…
Blog Resource Icon

Staying connected: How connections – past and present – can help to write our own futures

Year: 2022 | Topic: Adoption, Health and Wellbeing, Voices of young people, Brothers and sisters | Author: Tegan, Youth Ambassador at Scottish Adoption and Teen Talk Adoption
This Adoption Week Scotland, Tegan, a Youth Ambassador at Scottish Adoption and Teen Talk Adoption, discusses her experience of reconnecting …

Why the new John Lewis advert matters

Year:  | Topic: Adoption, Foster care, Permanence, Stigma, Voices of young people | Author: Samantha Fiander
It's long been understood now that there is a pressing need to ‘reframe’ care, something being taken forward with the support of the Each and…
Journal Resource Icon

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 21 No 2

Year: 2022 | Topic: Residential care | Author:
This issue’s leading article was specially commissioned to celebrate the SJRCC’s 20th year from James Anglin, Emeritus Professor of Child and…
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A response from CELCIS to the Scottish Social Services Council ‘Conversation on the Codes of Practice’

Year: 2022 | Topic: Corporate parenting, Local authority | Author: Rosie Moore
We welcome this opportunity to contribute to the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) ‘Conversation on the Codes of Practice’, a matter wh…

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