The CELCIS magazine

Issue 8 | Autumn 2016

Focus on: a permanent home to flourish and thrive

Passion for permanence

A Passion for Permanence

Why permanence matters for looked after children, and why we must share our passion to improve.
Anne MacKenzie

A Children's Reporter reflects on the impact of PACE

Audio transcript
The Herald winners

North east double triumph at Herald Society Awards

Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire City Council and CELCIS win the Herald Society Young People’s Project of the Year Award for their work on the PACE programme.

Aberdeenshire halve the size of reports they write for looked after children


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Lynne Shuttleton on how Aberdeenshire Council reduced paperwork to cut delays in permanence.
Someone looking at spreadsheets on a desk

Case study: Dumfries and Galloway Council's work with PACE

Dumfries and Galloway Council aims to make real changes in the prospects of looked after children with better data gathering.
A child learning to ride a bike

Are you ready to pick up the PACE?

Getting ready to start on the PACE journey.
A grandparent and baby sitting on a chair

Peter talks about life as a kinship carer

Audio transcript

Midlothian is ready for PACE


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Scott McCallum of Midlothian Council discusses what they have put in place to get ready for the PACE programme.

Case Study: Sometimes the permanent placement is back home


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Cathie O'Donnell of Renfrewshire Council describes the case of a child who was able to return home permanently.

Small changes reduce delay in permanence decisions by over 12 weeks


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Aberdeen City Council, through the PACE programme, cuts 12 weeks off the time it takes to make permanence decisions for children in their care.

PACE is a real eye opener for Orkney Panel Member


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Panel Member and PACE champion Calum Swanson explains the difference PACE is making in Orkney

Peer support is empowering social workers in East Renfrewshire

How social workers sharing ideas has been inspirational for their learning and practice.

Knowing what we need to know, when we need to know it

Diana Beveridge of Scottish Government explains why improving permanence by reading the data works.
An adult and child in a garden

Adoption: dispelling the myths and realising the reality

The rewards of adopting can far outweigh any barriers

What drift and delay really means for children


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Lisa McKenzie from East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership talking about the improvements they made with the help of PACE
A child holding hands with two adults

Contact with their past can give children a sense of belonging

Audio transcript
A laughing child with her grandmother

Kinship care: a sense of belonging, a sense of security

Audio transcript

Planning starts at a very early stage in East Renfrewshire

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In East Renfrewshire Council, social workers have been working hard to tackle drift and delay in looked-after children in the pre-birth to three-year-old age group
A toddler holding a leaf

Legal opinion: We can do our bit to cut down drift in permanence planning

Jennifer McKearney, of Aberdeenshire’s legal and governance department explains how PACE has cut drift and delay in their decision making
People in a meeting

Getting the parents' point of view across

Paul McKee is an advocacy worker who helps parents to express their views when decisions are being made about their children.
A laughing baby with her mother

Concurrency: Planning for all outcomes

What’s known as concurrency planning is beginning to be adopted in Scotland, and it's a potent means of achieving permanent, stable homes and futures for the youngest looked-after children.