Reach magazine has gone digital!
The CELCIS magazine is still packed full of loads of good stories and case studies about what's happening across Scotland for looked after children, but you'll also find more video and podcast content too. Each issue will focus on an issue that affects looked after children, care leavers, or those on the edge of care.
Previous print issues (pdf)

Reach Spring 2016
Read this issue on children and young people looked after at home or in kinship care.

REACH - Autumn 2015
Read this issue about emotional wellbeing, packed full of good stories and case studies about work going on across Scotland.

Reach - Autumn 2014
This issue of focuses on improving education outcomes for looked after children and highlights work going on across Scotland.

Reach - Spring 2014
This issue focuses on throughcare and aftercare and the great work going on across Scotland.

Reach - Autumn 2013
Focuses on all things permanence and shows the great work going on to secure permanence for children.

Reach - Winter 2012/13
Focusing on the health of our looked after children and young people.

Reach - Summer 2012
Our first issue we look at how to improve the educational achievements of young people who are looked after.