Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse of children or young people is any act that involves the child or young person in any activity for the sexual gratification of another person, whether or not it is claimed that the child or young person either consented or assented.

Sexual abuse involves forcing, enticing or coercing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child or young person is aware of what is happening.

The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts.

This abuse may include non-contact activities, such as involving children and young people in looking at, or in the production of indecent images or in watching sexual activities; using sexual language towards a child or young person; or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.

Lucy Faithful Foundation Scotland

The Lucy Faithful Foundation Scotland is a child protection charity that believes that the key to preventing sexual abuse is awareness among parents and community members.

The Lucy Faithful Foundation Scotland website provides information on support services for survivors of online child sexual abuse or grooming.

Lucy Faithful Foundation Scotland also provides support services to individuals and their families with problematic sexual thoughts and those who may be at risk of sexual offending, including those who are under investigation for internet offences.

The Upstream Project

Upstream is an online resource that enables adults in Scotland to prevent child sexual abuse. It provides tools and support for anyone who is looking for advice on protecting children from child sexual abuse.

Read more about the Upstream Project 

Key resources

Report Resource Icon

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation 2024. Overview analysis to inform prevention and response

Year: 2024 | Topic: Sexual abuse | Author: Joseph McGinty, Jane Scott, June Welsh and Ruth Sills, CELCIS
CELCIS was asked by Scottish Government to provide an overview analysis of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE). The aim of this focuss…
Guidance Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child protection | Author: The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has updated National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland which was published in 2021.
Report Resource Icon

Sibling sexual abuse: A knowledge and practice overview

Year: 2021 | Topic: Sexual abuse | Author: Peter Yates and Stuart Allardyce
Sexual abuse involving child siblings is thought to be the most common form of intra-familial child sexual abuse, perhaps up to three time…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The Traumatic Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: A Conceptualization - published 1985

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: David Finkelhor, Ph.D., and Angela Browne, Ph.D.
A framework is proposed for a more systematic understanding of the effects of child sexual abuse.