Emotional abuse

Emotional abuse of a child or young person is the persistent emotional neglect or ill treatment that has severe and persistent adverse effects on a child or young person’s emotional development.

This may involve conveying to a child or young person that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only in terms of how they meet the needs of another person.

It may involve the imposition of age inappropriate expectations on a child or expectations that do not appropriately consider where a child is in their development.

Emotional abuse may involve causing children or young people to feel frightened or in danger, or exploiting or corrupting them. 

Some level of emotional abuse is present in all types of ill treatment of a child or young person; it can also occur independently of other forms of abuse.

Key resources

Guidance Resource Icon

New information guides to help children, young people and families understand child protection processes

Year: 2025 | Topic: Child protection, Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
New guides to help children, young people and parents and carers in Scotland to learn about child protection have been published by the Scott…
Briefing Resource Icon

NSPCC briefing on emotional abuse statistics

Year: 2024 | Topic: Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
This briefing introduces a range of datasets available in the UK that relate to emotional abuse. Research provides estimates of the prevalenc…
Guidance Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child protection | Author: The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has updated National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland which was published in 2021.
Guidance Resource Icon

Neglect or emotional abuse in teenagers aged 13-18

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
Leaflet summary of the scientific literature that describes what teenagers aged 13-18 who are experiencing neglect or emotional abuse say abo…