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We have found 8 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.
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Oral and Dental Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Christine Park
Information on the role of Dentists in the recognition of neglect.

Why Have We Made Neglect So Complicated?

Year: 2015 | Topic: Neglect | Author: Daniel, B. (2015), Child Abuse Review 24: 82-94
Taking a fresh look at noticing and helping the neglected child.
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Review of Child Neglect in Scotland

Year: 2013 | Topic: Neglect | Author: Brigid Daniel, Cheryl Burgess, Jane Scott
This Scottish review builds on a series of UK wide reviews of child neglect undertaken by Action for Children in partnership with the Univers…
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Preventing child neglect in the UK – what makes services accessible to children and families?

Year: 2014 | Topic: Neglect | Author: Brigid Daniel, Cheryl Burgess, Jane Scott, Hannah Dobbin, Erica Whitfield, Kate Mulley,
An annual review by Action for Children in partnership with the University of Stirling.
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Background Paper 3 Child Neglect in Scotland: Rapid review of legislation and policy

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Jane Scott and Brigid Daniel
The Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, based at the University of Stirling, was commissioned by Scottish Government to undertake a ra…
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Tackling Child Neglect in Scotland Background Paper 1: Follow-up survey 2016

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Jane Scott and Brigid Daniel, Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, University of Stirling.
This 2016 survey was commissioned by Scottish Government to inform the Child Protection Improvement Programme and the Neglect Improvement Pil…
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Action on Neglect resource pack

Year: 2013 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Action for Children, University of Stirling
Action on Neglect is a resource pack for practitioners who work with neglected children.
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Background Paper 2 Child Neglect in Scotland: Rapid review of the literature on intervention

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Jane Scott and Brigid Daniel
The aim of this rapid review of the evidence was to identify the core and common elements and principles shown to be associated with effectiv…