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Report Resource Icon

Scottish Government Review of the Trafficking Strategy 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Scottish Government
This report sets out the Scottish Government’s second review of the Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy, first published in 2017 and review…
Guidance Resource Icon

New information guides to help children, young people and families understand child protection processes

Year: 2025 | Topic: Child protection, Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
New guides to help children, young people and parents and carers in Scotland to learn about child protection have been published by the Scott…
Report Resource Icon

Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation 2024. Overview analysis to inform prevention and response

Year: 2024 | Topic: Sexual abuse | Author: Joseph McGinty, Jane Scott, June Welsh and Ruth Sills, CELCIS
CELCIS was asked by Scottish Government to provide an overview analysis of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE). The aim of this focuss…
Briefing Resource Icon

NSPCC briefing on emotional abuse statistics

Year: 2024 | Topic: Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
This briefing introduces a range of datasets available in the UK that relate to emotional abuse. Research provides estimates of the prevalenc…

Scottish Government research into new domestic abuse powers 2023

Year: 2024 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
By recognising abuse as a pattern of behaviour, the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 closer matches victims’ accounts of psychological and …
Report Resource Icon

Domestic abuse statistics recorded by the police in Scotland, 2023 to 2024

Year: 2024 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Police Scotland
This bulletin presents statistics on domestic abuse, based on details of incidents and crimes recorded by Police Scotland in 2023 to 2024. Do…
Guidance Resource Icon

Guidance on working with children and young people who have displayed harmful sexual behaviour

Year: 2024 | Topic: Harmful sexual behaviour | Author: Scottish Government
Evidence Based Guidance For Professionals Working With Children And Young People.
Guidance Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2023

Year: 2023 | Topic: Child protection | Author: The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has updated National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland which was published in 2021.
Report Resource Icon

Sibling sexual abuse: A knowledge and practice overview

Year: 2021 | Topic: Sexual abuse | Author: Peter Yates and Stuart Allardyce
Sexual abuse involving child siblings is thought to be the most common form of intra-familial child sexual abuse, perhaps up to three time…
Report Resource Icon

Use of children's social care data at the local and regional area level

Year: 2019 | Topic: Local authority | Author: Nuffield Family Justice Observatory
This report by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (NFJO) explores the nature, availability and use of child level administrative data at…
Guidance Resource Icon

Scotland's National Action Plan to Prevent and Eradicate FGM (2016 - 2020)

Year: 2016 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Scottish Government
The agreed range of actions to be taken forward by the Scottish Government and its partners to prevent and ultimately eradicate FGM.
Evaluation Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Learning from Significant Case Reviews in Scotland 2015-2018

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Care Inspectorate
This report presents the findings of a review by the Care Inspectorate of 25 Serious Case Reviews (SCRs), conducted in Scotland over the thre…
Guidance Resource Icon

Responding to female genital mutilation: multi-agency guidance

Year: 2017 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Scottish Government
A framework for agencies and practitioners to develop and agree processes that promote the safety and wellbeing of women and girls.
Infographic Resource Icon

Scottish Government information about Female Genital Mutilation

Year: 2015 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Scottish Government
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is also known as cutting, and sometimes referred to as female circumcision. FGM has no benefits and is not …
Guidance Resource Icon

Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2019) SIGN 156: Children and young people exposed prenatally to alcohol

Year: 2009 | Topic: Parental alcohol and/or drug use | Author: Scottish Government
Scottish Guidelines to aid healthcare professionals in diagnosing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Policy Resource Icon

Scottish Government Mental Health Strategy (2017-2027)

Year: 2017 | Topic: Parental mental health | Author: Scottish Government
Ten year national vision to approach mental health.
Report Resource Icon

Review of findings from the inspection programme 2012-2017

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Residential care | Author: Care Inspectorate
The joint strategic inspection of services for children and young people.
Guidance Resource Icon

Child Maltreatment: When to Suspect Maltreatment in Under 18s

Year: 2009 | Topic: Child protection, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children | Author: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE
Guidelines aiming to raise awareness and help health professionals to identify child maltreatment, including fabricated or induced illness.
Guidance Resource Icon

Safeguarding children in whom illness is fabricated or induced - Supplementary guidance to Working Together to Safeguard Children

Year: 2008 | Topic: Child protection, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children | Author: HM Government
Guidance for England and Wales outlining what is known about fabricated or induced illness, including the impact on the child’s health and de…
Magazine Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The perpetrators of medical child abuse (Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy) - A systematic review of 796 cases

Year: 2017 | Topic: Child protection, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children | Author: Yates, G. & Bass, C.
Article investigating the demographic and clinical characteristics of 796 worldwide cases of medical child abuse.
Research Resource Icon

Fabricated or Induced Illness in children: A rare form of child abuse?

Year: 2011 | Topic: Child protection, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children | Author: Lazenbatt, A. & Taylor, J.
NSPCC research briefing on Fabricated or Induced Illness in children.
Guidance Resource Icon

Child Sexual Exploitation Definition and Practitioner Briefing Paper

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Government
This paper outlines the new national definition of child sexual exploitation (CSE) for Scotland and some key contextual considerations.
Report Resource Icon

Review of Child Neglect in Scotland

Year: 2013 | Topic: Neglect | Author: Brigid Daniel, Cheryl Burgess, Jane Scott
This Scottish review builds on a series of UK wide reviews of child neglect undertaken by Action for Children in partnership with the Univers…
Report Resource Icon

Preventing child neglect in the UK – what makes services accessible to children and families?

Year: 2014 | Topic: Neglect | Author: Brigid Daniel, Cheryl Burgess, Jane Scott, Hannah Dobbin, Erica Whitfield, Kate Mulley,
An annual review by Action for Children in partnership with the University of Stirling.
Guidance Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Oral and Dental Aspects of Child Abuse and Neglect

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Christine Park
Information on the role of Dentists in the recognition of neglect.

Why Have We Made Neglect So Complicated?

Year: 2015 | Topic: Neglect | Author: Daniel, B. (2015), Child Abuse Review 24: 82-94
Taking a fresh look at noticing and helping the neglected child.
Report Resource Icon

National Action Plan on Internet Safety for Children and Young People (Scottish Government, 2017)

Year: 2017 | Topic: Online safety | Author: Scottish Government
This plan builds on actions set out in the Scottish Government's 2010 Action Plan on Child Internet Safety and the 2011/12 Scottish Action Pl…
Infographic Resource Icon

Scottish Government (2015) Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) statement

Year: 2015 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Scottish Government
Scotland’s pledge to combat FGM including a list of support services. The statement is available in English, English, Arabic, French, Swahili…
Infographic Resource Icon

Female genital mutilation: the facts

Year: 2015 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Home Office
The document raises awareness of FGM, provides details on UK legislation and measures against this abusive practice and signposts to other re…
Policy Resource Icon

The Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation (Scotland) Act 2005

Year: 2005 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Legislation
The 2005 Act re-enacted the Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985 and extended protection by making FGM a criminal offence.

What Works? A review of interventions to combat modern slavery

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Walk Free Foundation
What Works? A review of interventions to combat modern slavery
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Working with young people experiencing relationship abuse

Year: 2014 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: SafeLives
This practice briefing is for professionals working with young people experiencing domestic abuse.
Briefing Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

After domestic abuse: children’s perspectives on contact with fathers

Year: 2009 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, The University of Edinburgh
Research on the views of children who have experienced domestic abuse about contact with their fathers following parental separation.
Briefing Resource Icon

Children living with domestic abuse

Year: 2012 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Sharp, C. and Jones, J.
Key issues for children and young people living with domestic abuse, research and implications for practice.
Consultations Resource IconPractice paper Resource Icon

Response to Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill consultation

Year: 2019 | Topic: Child protection, Health and Wellbeing, Legislation, Physical abuse | Author: Lizzie Morton
A response to the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill proposed by John Finnie MSP, which aims to remove the legal defenc…

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018

Year: 2018 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018.

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018

Year: 2018 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018.
Evaluation Resource Icon

Caledonian System Evaluation: Analysis of a programme for tackling domestic abuse in Scotland

Year: 2016 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
Evaluation of the Caledonian System: a programme to tackle domestic abuse in Scotland.
Research Resource Icon

IMPRoving Outcomes for children exposed to domestic ViolencE (IMPROVE)

Year: 2016 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Emma Howarth, Theresa HM Moore, Nicky J Welton, Natalia Lewis, Nicky Stanley, Harriet MacMillan, Alison Shaw, Marianne Hester, Peter Bryden and Gene Feder
Study that reviews programmes for children exposed to domestic violence and abuse.
Report Resource Icon

Barnardo’s (2015) Digital Dangers The impact of technology on the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people

Year: 2015 | Topic: Online safety | Author: Barnardo's
This report makes a number of recommendations relating to service provision; training for professionals; and policy change.
Guidance Resource Icon

Audit and Analysis of Significant Case Reviews

Year: 2012 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Sharon Vincent, Alison Petch
This report presents the findings from an audit and analysis of 56 Significant Case Reviews (SCRs) and 43 Initial Case Reviews (ICRs) conduct…
Guidance Resource Icon

Learning from Significant Case Reviews in Scotland 2012-2015

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Care Inspectorate
This report presents the findings of a review by the Care Inspectorate of 20 SCRs, conducted in Scotland over the three years from April 2012…
Policy Resource Icon

Scottish Government (2016) Equally Safe

Year: 2016 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: Scottish Government
Scotland’s strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls.
Report Resource Icon

Tackling Female Genital Mutilation: A Scottish Model of Intervention

Year: 2014 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Helen Baillot, Nina Murray, Elaine Connelly, Dr Natasha Howard
A study that looked at the populations potentially affected by Female Genital Mutilation in Scotland, explored interventions across the EU an…
Report Resource Icon

First Annual Progress Report on Human Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy 2018

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Scottish Government
Progress made during the first year of implementation of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy.
Consultations Resource Icon

Strengthening protection from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) A Scottish Government consultation

Year: 2018 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Scottish Government
Scottish Government consultation on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Policy Resource Icon

Scotland's national action plan to prevent and eradicate FGM

Year: 2016 | Topic: Female Genital Mutilation | Author: Scottish Government
Scotland's national action plan to prevent and eradicate FGM.
Report Resource Icon

Whole Lives: Improving the response to domestic abuse in Scotland

Year: 2017 | Topic: Domestic abuse | Author: SafeLives
Report on work undertaken to improve service responses to domestic abuse in Scotland.
Guidance Resource Icon

Age Assessment Practice Guidance for Scotland

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Scottish Government
Good practice guidance to support social workers, their managers and others involved in undertaking and contributing to age assessments in Sc…
Guidance Resource Icon

Slavery And Human Trafficking: Guidance For Businesses In Scotland

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Scottish Government
Slavery and human trafficking advice for larger and smaller businesses.
Policy Resource Icon

Trafficking and Exploitation strategy

Year: 2017 | Topic: Child trafficking | Author: Scottish Government
The Scottish Government's Trafficking and Exploitation strategy.
Guidance Resource Icon

National Guidance for Child Protection Committees - Conducting a Significant Case Review

Year: 2015 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Scottish Government
Guidance for Child Protection Committees when conducting a Significant Case Review.
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

An Evaluation of Stop to Listen

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Local authority, Sexual abuse | Author: Ruth Sills
This report details the journey of Stop to Listen from planning to implementation and evaluation. It will focus on the changes the pathfinder…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome - published 1983

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Roland C. Summit, M.D.
This study draws in part from statistically validated assumptions regarding prevalence, age relationships and role characteristics of child s…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Protecting children from harm

Year: 2015 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: Children’s Commissioner for England
A critical assessment of child sexual abuse in the family network in England and priorities for action.
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

The Traumatic Impact of Child Sexual Abuse: A Conceptualization - published 1985

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: David Finkelhor, Ph.D., and Angela Browne, Ph.D.
A framework is proposed for a more systematic understanding of the effects of child sexual abuse.
Report Resource Icon

Equally Protected?

Year: 2015 | Topic: Child protection, Corporate parenting, Health and Wellbeing, Local authority, Looked after at home, Physical abuse | Author: Dr Anja Heilmann, Prof. Yvonne Kelly, Prof. Richard G Watt
A review of the evidence on the physical punishment of children.
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource IconResearch Resource Icon

Keeping Children Safe - Information disclosure about child sexual offenders

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Sexual abuse | Author: NSPCC
Community disclosure is now running in your area. This will provide a formal route for the public to directly raise child protection concerns…
Guidance Resource Icon

Neglect or emotional abuse in children aged 5-14

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
Leaflet on what is known about children aged 5-14 years who have been neglected or emotionally abused.
Guidance Resource Icon

Emotional neglect and emotional abuse in pre-school children

Year: 2012 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
Leaflet on what is known about children aged less than six years who have been emotionally neglected or emotionally abused.
Guidance Resource Icon

Neglect or emotional abuse in teenagers aged 13-18

Year: 2014 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Emotional abuse | Author: NSPCC
Leaflet summary of the scientific literature that describes what teenagers aged 13-18 who are experiencing neglect or emotional abuse say abo…
Report Resource Icon

Preventing and responding to child sexual exploitation: evidence from inspections of care services for children and young people

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Care Inspectorate
The findings in this report arose from a focused programme of scrutiny to see whether the foundations are in place to support care services t…
Report Resource Icon

Background Paper 3 Child Neglect in Scotland: Rapid review of legislation and policy

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Jane Scott and Brigid Daniel
The Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, based at the University of Stirling, was commissioned by Scottish Government to undertake a ra…
Report Resource Icon

Tackling Child Neglect in Scotland Background Paper 1: Follow-up survey 2016

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Jane Scott and Brigid Daniel, Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection, University of Stirling.
This 2016 survey was commissioned by Scottish Government to inform the Child Protection Improvement Programme and the Neglect Improvement Pil…
Guidance Resource IconReport Resource Icon

Action on Neglect resource pack

Year: 2013 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Action for Children, University of Stirling
Action on Neglect is a resource pack for practitioners who work with neglected children.
Report Resource Icon

Background Paper 2 Child Neglect in Scotland: Rapid review of the literature on intervention

Year: 2016 | Topic: Child protection, Neglect | Author: Jane Scott and Brigid Daniel
The aim of this rapid review of the evidence was to identify the core and common elements and principles shown to be associated with effectiv…
Report Resource Icon

National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation Progress Report 2017/18

Year: 2018 | Topic: Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE) | Author: Scottish Government
The National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation was initially published in 2014 and updated in March 2016. This is a…
Guidance Resource Icon

Protecting Children in Wales: Child Practice Reviews: Guide for Organising and Facilitating Learning Events

Year: 2012 | Topic: Child protection | Author: Barbara Firth
This guide is intended for the use of LSCB Review Panels and reviewers. It sets out the process of the review, detailing roles and tasks at e…