Our blog is a hub for perspectives and analysis of issues that matter to the lives of children, young people and their families. You will hear from our staff and guest bloggers on many topical issues where they will be reflecting and sharing their policy, practice and research insights..
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What story does Scotland's latest statistics on child protection tell?
In this blog post, Dr Alex McTier, Evidence and Evaluation Specialist at CELCIS, takes a closer look at Scotland’s Child Protection 2022-2023 Statistics to…
Navigating social workers’ use of voluntary care arrangements for families in Scotland
In this second in a series of blog posts to highlight findings from research on voluntary care arrangements in Scotland, Dr Robert Porter, Research Lead at…
Understanding the experiences of children growing up in kinship care in Scotland
In this blog post to mark Kinship Care Week 2024, Dr Joanna Soraghan, Data Analyst at CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection,…
What does new research tell us it will take to keep The Promise?
Dr Heather Ottaway, CELCIS’s Head of Evidence and Innovation, and Principal Investigator of the Children’s Services Reform Research study considers what this…
"Nobody spoke those words to me”: Parental experiences of voluntary care arrangements in Scotland
In this first of a series of blog posts to highlight findings from research on voluntary care arrangements in Scotland, Dr Robert Porter, Research Lead at…
How lived experience of care is helping drive Scotland’s progress towards keeping The Promise
David Anderson is the Co-Chair of the Oversight Board, an independent group set up to report on the progress and pace in Scotland as it journeys towards keeping…
A Face on a Wall: How embracing ‘Artivism’ can help young people find their voice
In this blog post for Care Experienced Week, Michael Archibald, a student, artist and activist, discusses being involved in – and being the face of – one of…
Exploring leadership opportunities for the care experienced community
For this Care Experienced Week we took some time with Barry Black, member of the National Leadership Network (NLN) steering group, and Gary Brown, NLN…
“Despite the cold weather, the Scottish people have given me one of the warmest welcomes in my life”: how supportive relationships help young refugees rebuild their lives in new places
During this Refugee Week and Refugee Festival Scotland 2023, Mohamad, a young person who arrived in Scotland from Syria in 2016 as a child reflects on why…
Language matters
Amy Miskimmin-Logan, Participation Development Worker at Our Hearings Our Voice (OHOV) shares the thinking behind the ‘Language Leaders’ project which aims to…