TT RCC June 2024 Header.png

Co-designing to meet the needs of the residential child care community in Scotland

Who is it for?
This session is for everyone working in, or with an interest in, residential child care in Scotland and you do not need to have attended previous sessions to take part. This session will will be highly participative.

The background
In 2023, reflecting on what children and the workforce told us they need, CELCIS facilitated spaces for members of the residential child care community to talk with and listen to each other, working together to think through how their community can initiate the change needed, with the support of CELCIS.

We created a space to identify what the need is now, informed and led by the experience and perspective of the community. This diverse group was made up of representatives in frontline and independent practice and leadership, from local authorities, health and social care partnerships, education and independent residential child care providers.

What we found
Following the sessions, we carried out in-depth analysis of the data generated from these conversations. We then mapped our findings against both the Children’s Services Reform Research and the aspirations of The Promise by the Independent Care Review. The key areas emerging from this work are the desire for members of the residential child care community to gather to Share, Learn and Innovate.

You can read more here.

Co-designing to meet the needs of the workforce
This next engagement session will further explore these three areas and for the residential child care community to begin to understand, and co-design with CELCIS, what will best meet the needs of the workforce.

The areas of focus during this session will be:

  • What would it look like to create a space where the work force could build on conversations so far, which identified determination, perseverance, persistence, and commitment as high value characteristics of good quality practice?

  • How do we support the further emergence of good quality practice in the areas identified through our initial engagement sessions, including critical use of self, positive role modelling, developmental awareness, psychological safety, self-awareness and reflection?

  • How can the residential child care community continue to organise around creating spaces which nurture and elevate innovative thinking and practice, to sustain an environment where young people experience love, hope, shared experiences, playfulness and creativity, humour, compassion, and encouragement?

Join us to be part of the conversation!

Event details

When: Tuesday 25 June
Where: Online, MS Teams
Cost: Free
Time: 10.30 - 12.30

Contact Organiser

Michelle McCue