We are governed by a Strategic Advisory Board (SAB), supported by the University of Strathclyde, and monitored by the Scottish Government, our principal funder.
As an organisation we recognise the value and importance of governance and accountability to ensure that our work is firmly focused on making a difference for the most vulnerable children and young people in Scotland.
Strategic Advisory Board
The SAB is the decision-making body and our most senior standing group. It forms the main strategic connection between us and the University of Strathclyde (the legal body supporting CELCIS), and gives strategic direction for our overall policy and goals, and for evaluating performance against our targets. The SAB analyses and applies expert views to make decisions about the services and direction of the organisation.
SAB members are responsible and accountable for the overall strategic guidance, advice and direction of CELCIS, safeguarding the reputation and ethos of the organisation, and for promoting its work.
The membership of this group includes:
Independent Chair
- Professor Alexis Jay CBE, Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse - IICSA (England and Wales), Visiting Professor, University of Strathclyde
- Neil Hunter, Principal Reporter/Chief Executive of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA)
Representatives from the University of Strathclyde
- Prof Ian Rivers, Associate Principal and Executive Dean HASS, University of Strathclyde
- Dr Edward Sosu, Senior Lecturer & Research Director of School of Education, University of Strathclyde
Independent members drawn from the fields of education, health and social work
- Alison Gordon, Chief Social Work Officer (Education, Families, Justice and Integrated Practice), Social Work Scotland
- Jo Derrick, Chief Executive Officer Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (STAF), representing CCPS
- Fiona Dyer, Director Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ)
- Superintendent Christine Boyd, Partnerships, Prevention & Community Wellbeing Division, Police Scotland
- Annmarie Campbell, Children and Families Social Worker
- Kate Finlay, Foster Carer
- Keri McGachy, Researcher, PhD Student in Education
Scottish Government
We report directly to Scottish Government (our principal funder) once a quarter. At these meetings we provide a detailed report of our activities, impact and financial performance against the negotiated objectives detailed in our grant letter. These quarterly monitoring meetings provide an opportunity for review and scrutiny of our performance, and also allow for discussion and negotiation of future direction and activities.
University of Strathclyde
As the legal body supporting CELCIS, the University of Strathclyde provides a formal governance arrangement for CELCIS. This is managed through its accountability framework in relation to performance and finance, as well as a number of internal checks and balances that provide additional accountability in relation to finance, human resource practice, health and safety, and ethics.