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- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
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We have found 46 results based on your search. You can filter further with the dropdown options above.

Drawing Together Project Policy briefing: Wellbeing in the lives of young refugees in Scotland
Year: 2024 | Topic:
International | Author: Ravi Kohli, Sharon McGregor, Kate MacKinnon
The Drawing Together project explored how 53 young refugees experience integration through rebuilding their everyday lives in Scotland, Finla…

Committee on the Rights of the Child 2021 Day of General Discussion Children’s Rights and Alternative Care Outcome Report
Year: 2022 | Topic:
International, Voices of young people | Author: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
The power of participation: understanding the lives of young refugees through creativity
Year: | Topic:
International | Author: Paul Sullivan and Professor Ravi Kohli
As part of Refugee Week 2022, Paul Sullivan, Sector Engagement Lead at CELCIS, and Professor Ravi Kohli, a researcher at the University of Be…
Connections are key: the importance of relationship-based practice in supporting refugees and asylum seekers
Year: | Topic:
International | Author: Lorraine Ward
During Refugee Week, Lorraine Ward writes about why connections are key in helping young asylum seekers and refugees to build happy, fulfilli…
We all have a part to play in raising awareness of children’s rights: my experience at the 2021 UN Day of General Discussion
Year: | Topic:
International, Voices of young people | Author: Tiegan Boyens
In this blog post, Tiegan, who is adopted and lives in England, discusses her experience at the 2021 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’…

CELCIS's commitment to keeping The Promise
Year: 2021 | Topic:
Active implementation, Adoption, Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Children's hearings system, Corporate parenting, Disability, Domestic abuse, Education, Emotional abuse, Fabricated or Induced Illness in children, Female Genital Mutilation, Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, Historical abuse, International, Kinship care, Legislation, Local authority, Looked after at home, Neglect, Online safety, Parental alcohol and/or drug use, Parental mental health, Permanence, Physical abuse, Residential care, Secure care, Sexual abuse, Stigma, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
Learn more about CELCIS’s response and our offer to work in collaboration with The Promise and those working to support children, young peopl…

CELCIS response to call for views on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill
Year: 2020 | Topic:
Active implementation, Education, International, Legislation, Local authority, Voices of young people | Author: Kate MacKinnon, Paul Sullivan, Rosie Moore, Elaine Adams, Miriana Giraldi, Kirsty Deacon
CELCIS strongly supports this progressive approach to promote systemic change through legislation for the promotion of children’s rights thro…

The Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Child and Youth Friendly Language
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, International, Legislation | Author: SOS Children's Villages International
SOS Children's Villages have published 'You Have the Right to Care and Protection! The Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Chi…

Response to consultation on Independent Child Trafficking Guardians
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child trafficking, Corporate parenting, International | Author: Lizzie Morton
Here we highlight the rights of unaccompanied children to special protection, and the important place of Guardians in upholding these rights.…

Children Without Parental Care and Alternative Care: Findings from Research
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Foster care, International, Permanence, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Dr Chrissie Gale
This short paper contributes evidence regarding the situation of children without parental care and provision of suitable alternative care in…

The Care Leaver Experience: Uganda
Year: 2019 | Topic:
International, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: The Uganda Care Leavers Project
The Care Leaver Experience - A Report on Children and Young People’s Experiences in and after Leaving Residential Care in Uganda. A report b…

Child migrants around the world are being denied their human rights
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, International | Author: Chrissie Gale, Jennifer Davidson, Nigel Cantwell
Vast numbers of children and families are on the move around the world. There are now 30m children displaced by conflict, the highest since W…

‘Children have a right to education – regardless of immigration status’
Year: 2019 | Topic:
Child protection, Child sexual exploitation (CSE), Child trafficking, Education, International | Author: Jennifer Davidson, Chrissie Gale
This article was first published by TES on the support teachers can offer unaccompanied and separated children.

One voice
Year: 2019 | Topic:
International | Author: Chrissie Gale
Dr Chrissie Gale, CELCIS international lead, argues that we need agencies to unite with one voice if we want to uphold children’s rights inte…

Prepare for Leaving Care Practice Guidance
Year: 2018 | Topic:
Active implementation, International, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Chrissie Gale, Nigel Cantwell, Kenny McGhee, Kate Skinner
The Practice Guidance has been developed with the aim of building knowledge and skills of professionals, carers and other stakeholders respon…

State of the Social Service Workforce Report 2017: Stories of Workforce Efforts to Address Violence Against Children
Year: 2018 | Topic:
International | Author: Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
The third annual report from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance highlights the many ways that the social service workforce positive…

International Children’s Rights Symposium
Year: 2018 | Topic:
International, Legislation | Author: Dr Susan Elsley, Dr Ian Milligan
The International Children’s Rights Symposium took place in June 2017, and brought together those who are committed to shaping and promoting …

Tracking Progress: measuring the implementation of the UN Guidelines
Year: 2017 | Topic:
International, Legislation | Author: CELCIS
A key challenge for countries is measuring and keeping track of their progress in implementing the standards they set out. An inter-agency i…

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 2
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Education, International, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly (Editor)
This issue contains a collection of four peer-reviewed research articles, three shorter commentaries, a paper previously published in the Ind…

Mind the implementation gap: how child care can be improved globally
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Foster care, Health and Wellbeing, International, Voices of young people | Author: Chrissie Gale
Dr Chrissie Gale, international lead for CELCIS, reflects on research which could help shape the drive for better alternative care for childr…

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 16 No 1
Year: 2017 | Topic:
International, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly
In this issue we provide the usual mix of peer-reviewed research, commentaries on practice, and book reviews aimed at researchers, students a…

Towards the Right Care for Children
Year: 2017 | Topic:
International, Voices of young people | Author: Chrissie Gale
The first study of it's kind, Towards the Right Care for Children is the result of the European Commission project in partnership with the SO…

How will bairns fair in 2017?
Year: 2017 | Topic:
Foster care, International, Kinship care, Legislation, Online safety, Permanence, Residential care, Stigma | Author: Jennifer Davidson
Jennifer Davidson blogs about what 2016 has meant for the children’s sector and what the year ahead will bring.

Changing mind-sets and pioneering social work in Tajikstan: Evaluation of setting up pilot fostering project
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Foster care, International | Author: Ian Milligan
In this evaluation, we report on the initial set up of a pilot fostering project in Tajikistan.

Strengthening family based care, strengthening social work in Kosovo
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Foster care, International | Author: Ian Milligan
For anyone interested in the operation and challenges of a care system in South-east Europe. This is a review of the care system in Kosovo.

Celebrating our MOOC Success
Year: 2016 | Topic:
Child protection, Children's hearings system, Education, Health and Wellbeing, International, Neglect | Author: Ainsley Hainey
Ainsley Hainey blogs about the success of the Massive Open Online Course on Caring for Vulnerable Children.

Social Pedagogy briefing paper
Year: 2012 | Topic:
Education, Health and Wellbeing, International | Author: Mark Smith
There is growing interest across the UK in European models of social pedagogy.

A global approach
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, International, Legislation | Author: Chrissie Gale
Chrissie Gale blogs about working in partnership around the world.

CELCIS 2015 conference: Travelling together
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, International, Legislation, Looked after at home, Residential care, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: CELCIS
Video highlights and resources from our annual conference on how we can work together to ensure the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act …

International literature review of LGBT foster carers research
Year: 2015 | Topic:
Corporate parenting, International, Legislation | Author: Helen Cosis Brown,Judy Sebba, Nikki Luke
The recruitment, assessment, support and supervision of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender foster carers.

Living on a railway line
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, Historical abuse, International | Author: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Professor Andrew Rowland
How the UK can better tackle child abuse, neglect and exploitation with 10 UK recommendations.

A shared vision for systemic child protection: lessons learned from Albania
Year: 2014 | Topic:
International | Author: Ian Milligan & Rachel Harris
This report examines the role (NGO) Terre des hommes has played in the development of a State Child Protection System (CPS) in Albania. It id…

MSc in Child and Youth Care Studies (Distance Learning)
Year: 2014 | Topic:
Education, International | Author: Graham McPheat
Watch a short video about our MSc course.

Drumming Together for Change
Year: 2014 | Topic:
International, Legislation | Author: SOS Children's Villages International, CELCIS, University of Malawi
Report is based on a synthesis of eight assessments of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in Benin, Ga…

Moving forward on alternative care: Assessment of the Foster Care Pilot Project in Albania
Year: 2014 | Topic:
International | Author: Irene Stevens, Graham Connelly & Ian Milligan
Our evaluation of a foster care project in Albania.

Child & Youth Care World Conference
Year: 2013 | Topic:
International, Legislation | Author: Laura Steckley, Graham McPheat, JohnPaul Fitzpatrick
Presentations from CELCIS at the CYC-Net Connecting at the Crossroads Conference held in Canada in June 2013.

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 12 No 1
Year: 2013 | Topic:
Disability, Education, Historical abuse, International, Residential care | Author: Graham Connelly (Editorial)
This issue includes a commemoration of John Triseliotis, and get an international perspective on residential child care from authors based in…

International journal articles
Year: 2013 | Topic:
International, Residential care | Author: Various
We have gathered internationally related journal articles on residential child care to share with you.

Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the alternative care of children’
Year: 2013 | Topic:
International, Legislation, Residential care | Author: Nigel Cantwell, Jennifer Davidson, Susan Elsley, Ian Milligan & Neil Quinn
Moving Forward provides practical guidance on alternative care provision for children.

Capacity Building in Macedonia
Year: 2012 | Topic:
International | Author: Ian Milligan
Our report on designing and implementing an in-service development programme for social welfare professionals.

International Youth in Care Summit 2012 Report
Year: 2012 | Topic:
International, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Grant Gilroy
Report from Who Cares? Scotland on the International Summit of Youth in Care 2012.

International Summit of Youth in Care
Year: 2012 | Topic:
International, Throughcare and aftercare, Voices of young people | Author: Louise Anusas
A report from two young people to feed their views to the International Summit of Youth in Care in Baltimore on 26 to 29 June 2012.

The education of looked after children in Scotland: Some comparisons with Scandinavian countries
Year: 2012 | Topic:
Education, International | Author: Iain Matheson, Graham Connelly
This research briefing paper supports the inquiry by the Education and Culture Committee of the Scottish Parliament into the educational atta…

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 6 No 2
Year: 2007 | Topic:
International, Residential care | Author: Irene Stevens (Editor)
A great collection of articles, including an account of research which led to the seminal Playing it Safe? report by the Scottish Children's …

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 4 No 2
Year: 2005 | Topic:
Education, International, Residential care | Author: Sandy Cameron (Guest Editor)
You'll find a diverse range of articles such as from care to university and encouraging social integration in Latvia

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Vol 3 No 2
Year: 2004 | Topic:
Health and Wellbeing, International, Residential care | Author: CELCIS
This collection of seven articles explores the theme of wellbeing and making provision for complex needs.
How to use our search?
Please type in your keyword, then use the filters to refine your results.
- Looking for a CELCIS resource? Then select produced by CELCIS
- Choose a topic you're interested in like looked after at home or children's hearings
- Choose the type of resources you want like research, evaluation or policy.
- Know the date it was published? Then select the year
Avoid using general keywords like 'children'. To get the best results try to be specific.
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